The state of safety reporting culture in Queensland's mining industry


The report outlines the results of the Queensland Mining Industry Safety Reporting Survey.

The survey aimed to identify the reasons why people do, or do not, report high potential incidents, near misses and early warning signs and to establish a baseline of the safety reporting behaviours exhibited at mine and quarry sites. As part of the survey, respondents were asked about safety behaviours demonstrated by their team, their supervisors, and their senior leaders at their worksite.

The survey enabled benchmarking of industry safety reporting culture by providing focus areas for industry and the advisory committees to target for further research and continuous improvement. It also identified the key strengths and opportunities for the coal mining, mineral mining and quarrying industries to achieve a responsive and effective safety reporting culture.

The survey was conducted by the Commissioner for Resources Safety and Health in cooperation with the Coal Mining Safety and Health Advisory Committee and the Mining Safety and Health Advisory Committee. Independent data analysis and validation was conducted by Sentis.

The survey ran from June to September 2023.

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 26 March 2024
Metadata last updated 26 March 2024
Created 26 March 2024
Format PDF
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
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Package id7aa3d5e9-dca3-4049-9a5e-a825f3a98439
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