Bundaberg: Notices to Mariners

The Bundaberg pilotage area is part of the Capricorn Coast region.

Data and Resources

  • 251 T of 2024 .pdf

    21/05/2024: Bundaberg approach, harbours and berths—amended port navigation...

  • 184 T of 2024 PDF

    18/04/2024: Burnett River — Change of Aid to Navigation positions AUS charts...

  • 434 T of 2023 PDF

    03/10/2023: Burnett River—Hazard to Navigation – Sunken Vessel AUS charts...

  • 406 T of 2023 PDF

    08/09/2023: Burnett River rail bridge — Restoration works AUS charts...

  • 130 T of 2023 PDF

    23/03/2023: Burnett River: Hazard to navigation—submerged obstruction AUS...

Additional Info

Field Value
Author vtsgladstone@msq.qld.gov.au
Maintainer vtsgladstone@msq.qld.gov.au
Version 1.0
Last Updated June 24, 2024, 09:59 (AEST)
Created January 5, 2015, 12:51 (AEST)