Skills Assure Supplier framework
Resources related the new Skills Assure Supplier framework - a initial action of the Good Jobs, Great Training: Queensland Skills Strategy 2024–2028, released in May 2024. -
Business Basics Grant - Round 6
The Queensland Government supports the small business sector through a range of initiatives. The Business Basics grants program provides support to businesses to increase core... -
Business Queensland Connect Newsletter
Regular updates and support for Queensland small businesses. -
Indigenous Business Month
Indigenous Business Month shines a light on the growing number of successful Indigenous owned businesses across Australia. In 2024, the national theme is Making our Mark, where... -
Training Priorities Plans
Training Priorities Plans outline Queensland's skilling priorities and how they inform the Queensland Government's investment in training and skills each financial year. -
Small Business Exceptional Assistance Grant
The Queensland Government supports the small business sector through a range of initiatives. The Small Business Exceptional Assistance grant program supports businesses in... -
Reducing business disruption from major infrastructure work
Businesses, in general, benefit from major infrastructure works through procurement opportunities, and improved amenity and public infrastructure like transport networks and... -
There’s an Indigenous business for that! Internal Government Promotional Pack
This promotional pack includes a range of content and resources to encourage our Queensland Government colleagues to take action and work with an Indigenous business. Indigenous... -
Our story, our future annual report
The Our story, our future annual report provides an update on the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training's actions under the 'Our story, our future' Queensland... -
Department of Employment, Small Business and Training - Annual Reports
The Department of Employment, Small Business and Training's Annual Reports outline the financial and corporate performance of the department. -
DESBT Customer Complaints Annual Report
The Department of Employment, Small Business and Training actively monitors its customer complaints and continues to improve its collection methods. To promote better practice... -
Apprenticeship and traineeship operational policies, procedures and guides
Apprenticeship and traineeship operational policies, procedures and guides -
Lease forms under the Retail Shop Leases Act
Approved forms under the Retail Shop Leases Act 1994 (effective from 24 January 2022) -
Apprenticeship/Traineeship Training Plan template
Apprenticeship/traineeship Training Plan template for supervising registered training organisations (SRTOs) -
Delegation and authorisation instruments
Delegations and authorisations of powers and functions to enable the administration of responsibilities under the Further Education and Training Act 2014 and Further Education... -
Apprenticeship and Traineeship Forms
How to return completed forms Email Send completed forms to: your Apprentice Connect Australia Provider (in Queensland) or apprenticeshipsinfo@qld.gov.au. Mail Post completed... -
Back to Work promotional kit
Back to Work provides financial and non-financial support to eligible Queensland employers and jobseekers who identify as belonging to one or more of the program's target... -
Business Boost Grants - Round 4
The Queensland Government supports the small business sector through a range of initiatives. The Business Boost grants program supports businesses to advance improvements in... -
Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022-2032
A workforce strategy for Queensland to create a strong and diverse workforce ready to seize today's jobs and adapt to future opportunities. -
Go Next Level - Business Queensland
Help more businesses Go Next Level and spread the word about this campaign. We have developed content and creative assets to make it easy to share across your social media,...