Legal Services Coordination Unit
The Legal Services Coordination Unit leads and promotes the development and implementation of legal services policy and practice across government and supports Queensland... -
Multicultural action plan reports
These reports provide updates on the Department of Justice and Attorney-General's actions under the Multicultural action plan. -
First Nations Advisory Unit
The Department of Justice and Attorney-General (DJAG) aims to strengthen our relationship with First Nations peoples, both in our workforce and for the Queensland community. Our... -
DJAG Impact analysis statements 2024
In line with the Queensland Government Better Regulation Policy, the Department of Justice and Attorney-General (DJAG) publishes approved Impact Analysis Statements (IAS).... -
DJAG annual reports
Each year the Department of Justice and Attorney-General produces an annual report to summarise our financial and corporate performance. The annual report is designed to meet... -
DJAG media guides
Access media guides from the Department of Justice and Attorney-General (DJAG) to assist when reporting on incidents relating to the DJAG portfolio in Queensland. For more... -
People, Culture and Safety Committee
The purpose of the People, Culture and Safety Committee is to is to provide advisory services and assurance to Executive Leadership Team that the Department of Justice and... -
DJAG Compliments and complaints
Resources related to the Department of Justice and the Attorney-General compliments and complaints process. Find out more at https://www.justice.qld.gov.au/about-... -
Support for DJAG employees affected by DFV
Find information about support provided to Department of Justice and Attorney-General employees impacted by domestic and family violence. -
Executive Leadership Team
The Executive Leadership Team (ELT) is the Department of Justice and Attorney-General's principal strategy-setting and decision-making authority and supports the DG as our... -
Information Technology and Innovation Committee
The purpose of the Information Technology and Innovation Committee is to monitor the Department of Justice and Attorney-General's ICT investment portfolio and innovation... -
Finance Committee
The purpose of the Finance Committee is to provide oversight and advice on financial, resource and procurement strategies and performance, to ensure effective alignment of the... -
Infrastructure Committee
The purpose of the Infrastructure Committee is to oversee delivery of the Department of Justice and Attorney-General's infrastructure, leasehold works and accommodation-related... -
DJAG People and Engagement
In this publication set you will find resources produced by the Department of Justice and Attorney-General's People and Engagement team. -
Department of Justice and Attorney-General organisational structure
View the organisational structure for the Department of Justice and Attorney-General. Find out more about the department by visiting https://www.justice.qld.gov.au/ -
DJAG Impact analysis statements 2023
In line with the Queensland Government Better Regulation Policy, the Department of Justice and Attorney-General (DJAG) publishes approved Impact Analysis Statements (IAS).... -
DJAG Ethical Standards Unit policies
Policies managed by the Ethical Standards Unit in the Department of Justice and Attorney-General. -
Anti-Discrimination Bill 2024 consultation
This Queensland Government consultation seeks community feedback on the draft new Anti-Discrimination Bill 2024 that will replace the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991. Find out more... -
Expungement of historical homosexual convictions
Consensual male homosexual activity stopped being a criminal offence in 1991 and you can now apply to have existing convictions expunged. Convictions and charges for relevant... -
DJAG Waste reduction and recycling plans
The Department of Justice and Attorney-General is committed to efficiently using resources and minimising waste. To achieve this, we focus on avoiding waste in the first...