RBDM Civil partnership certificate application
Apply for a civil partnership certificate or commemorative civil partnership certificate package in Queensland (after your relationship is registered). Find out how to order and... -
RBDM Qld Withdraw an application to end a civil partnership
Documents concerning the withdrawal of an application to register a civil partnership. -
RBDM Qld Written notice setting out the legal effect of a civil partnership
Document concerning the legal affect for a couple wishing to enter into a civil partnership in Queensland. -
RBDM Qld Declaration of civil partnership
Document for the use of registered civil partnership notaries to notify the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriage that they have conducted a declaration ceremony in Queensland. -
RBDM Qld End a civil partnership application form
Documents concerning an application to end a registered civil partnership in Queensland. -
RBDM Qld Application to register a civil partnership and order a certificate
Document concerning the application to register a civil partnership in Queensland without a ceremony.